
10 reasons to massage your baby

By Floor Tuinstra

10 reasons to massage your baby

10 reasons to massage your baby with baby massage and baby reflexology

Have you ever wondered why you would massage your baby or give a reflexology massage? Here are 10 reasons:

  1. To do something warm, loving and special together with your baby
  2. To help your baby sleep better (so you can sleep better yourself)
  3. To learn how to relieve constipation and help your baby have regular bowel movements
  4. To learn how to reduce gas, colic, crying and regurgitation of milk
  5. To help yourself and your baby relax (this is a lifelong skill)
  6. To help your baby gain a lifelong appreciation of touch and warm relationships
  7. To improve your baby's digestion and nutrient absorption
  8. To help your baby with cognitive development; consciousness, attention, concentration
  9. To learn how to communicate with your baby and how to fall even more in love with each other
  10. To learn how to give your baby self-esteem and self-respect through massage